North Camden Redevelopment Plan
planning, urban design, waterfront, redevelopment planLocated along the Delaware River Back Channel, the Cramer Hill neighborhood was cutoff from the waterfront by fences, landfilling, and industrial uses. WRT developed a plan that created family recreation spaces on the riverfront, created conditions for small businesses and services to prosper, and sustained a vital riverfront ecosystem by supporting a diversity of bird, animal, and plant species. In sum, the plan supported and showcased the growing realization of the untapped potential of the Cramer Hill waterfront.

The waterfront plan was developed in a coordinated effort with the neighborhood plan, incorporating key fundamental principles advocated by residents: no displacement of North Camden residents, community involvement in the planning and redevelopment process, employment opportunities for local residents, and increased homeownership. This visionary planning process won a New Jersey Future’s Smart Growth Award and has served to organize the community and galvanize support for early action projects.

Stormwater strategies including planted buffers, wetlands, and infiltration trenches an meadows filter stormwater and enhance recreation.

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Working alongside communities, we shape aspirational yet implementable plans ranging in scale from neighborhood, corridor, and district plans, to regional and citywide plans, to park and resiliency master plans.