Harrisburg Community Greening Plan
planning, green infrastructure, sustainability, community engagementHarrisburg is developing a strategic, long-term plan to reduce sewer overflows into its river. The Community Greening Plan represents Capital Region Water’s commitment to implementing green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) throughout Harrisburg, including integrating stormwater management strategies into public places such as parks and greenways.
Faced with similar stormwater management issues as other water utilities, Capital Region Water is taking a notably different approach to implementing green stormwater infrastructure: increasing transparency and collaboration. By strengthening partnerships and empowering citizens, the Community Greening Plan is helping the community drive implementation.
WRT worked closely with the Harrisburg community to establish them as an active part of the process, hosting over 30 community engagement events—including public meetings and Community Greening Parties—to keep the citizens of Harrisburg involved and excited about the process.
The Community Greening Plan is written for both Capital Region Water and the community at large. While it includes a city-wide analysis of where the most convenient opportunities might be to implement green stormwater infrastructure, it leaves room for community-driven projects to take precedence.
The plan also provides illustrative examples of how green stormwater infrastructure can be incorporated into homes, neighborhoods, streets, alleys, schools, parks, public spaces, community centers, and vacant lots. It aims to make green stormwater infrastructure approachable to a larger audience and explain its power to transform neighborhoods into vibrant communities. Green stormwater infrastructure opportunities presented in the plan demonstrate a wide range of GSI tools from simple, low-cost grading alternatives to signature design projects.

The plan aims to make green stormwater infrastructure approachable to a larger audience and explain its power to transform neighborhoods into vibrant communities.

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