campus planning, health and wellness, historic renovation, adaptive reuse Merion Cricket Club Master Plan, Renovation + ExpansionHaverford, PA
economic development, visioning, community engagement Bethlehem Northside 2027 Neighborhood PlanBethlehem, PA
Cabrini University architecture, student living, higher education Cabrini University South Residence HallRadnor, PA
transit-oriented development, land use, planning Oakland Broadway/Valdez District Specific PlanOakland, CA
planning, urban design, parks + open space Tiburon Parks, Recreation + Open Space Master PlanTiburon, CA
planning, green infrastructure, sustainability, community engagement Harrisburg Community Greening PlanHarrisburg, PA
landscape architecture, planning, parks + open space East Palo Alto Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master PlanEast Palo Alto, CA
affordable housing, adaptive reuse, senior housing, historic restoration Residences at Roosevelt ParkMiddlesex County, NJ
campus planning, landscape architecture, urban San Francisco State University Campus Master PlanSan Francisco, CA
planning, urban design, neighborhood revitalization Marshall-Ridley Choice Neighborhood Transformation PlanNewport News, VA
landscape architecture, planning, parks + open space Reimagine San Geronimo: A Vision PlanSan Geronimo, CA
streetscape, landscape architecture, complete streets Miller Avenue Streetscape Plan + ImplementationMill Valley, CA
community planning, equity, sustainable communities, community health Clark-Fulton Together Master PlanCleveland, OH
sustainability, comprehensive planning, community engagement CONNECT Our Future Toolkit: Regional Growth FrameworkGreater Charlotte Region, NC & SC
higher education, master planning, campus master plan University of North Carolina Wilmington Campus Master PlanWilmington, NC
higher education, campus planning, master plan Stevens Institute of Technology Master PlanHoboken, NJ
SFSU Mashouf Wellness Center landscape architecture, higher education Mashouf Wellness CenterSan Francisco, CA
resiliency, sustainability, energy independent, affordable housing Donoe RedevelopmentSt. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands
planning, parks + open space San Francisco Bay Trail: Risk Assessment and Adaptation Prioritization Plan (RAAPP)Alameda and Contra Costa County, CA
planning, urban design, choice neighborhoods, hud, neighborhood plan One City. Asbury Park. Choice Neighborhoods PlanAsbury Park, NJ
Pinellas Gateway/Mid-County Area Master Plan and Memorandum of Understanding, National Planning Award Nomination – Planning Excellence CategoryPinellas County, FL
campus planning, sustainability, strategic planning, higher education Cabrini University Campus Master PlanRadnor, PA
planning, urban design, neighborhood plan, middle neighborhoods, community design 9th District Commercial Corridor + Neighborhood PlanPhiladelphia, PA
planning, urban design, hud, choice neighborhoods, architecture, affordable housing Meriden Choice Neighborhoods PlanMeriden, CT
architecture, renovation, higher education, campus master plan Cabrini University Athletic PavilionRadnor, PA
planning, urban design, choice neighborhoods, neighborhood plan Bartram Choice Neighborhoods Transformation PlanPhiladelphia, PA
Copyright:Mark E. Robertson parks + open space Tracy Citywide Parks, Recreation and Trails Master PlanTracy, CA
design competition, park planning, open space planning Reimagine the Canals CompetitionNew York State
landscape architecture, design competition, public realm One Park: St. James Park Design CompetitionSan Jose, CA
architecture, community center, education El Corazón Cultural Center - Taller PuertorriqueñoPhiladelphia, PA
landscape architecture, parks, open space planning Glen Canyon Park Improvement PlanSan Francisco, CA
urban design, planning, green infrastructure, parks, sustainability GreenPlan PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia, PA
education, campus planning, urban design, landscape architecture Community College of PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia, PA
landscape architecture, landscape design, corporate campus Microsoft Silicon Valley CampusMountain View, CA
master plan, choice neighborhoods, neighborhood plan Sharswood-Blumberg Choice Neighborhoods Transformation PlanPhiladelphia, PA
urban design, education, architecture, campus planning, planning Germantown AcademyFt. Washington, PA
Haverford Lower School, Location: Haverford, PA, Architect: Wallace Roberts & Todd. This is the description of this image. The Haverford School Lower SchoolHaverford, PA
Holy Child athletics, arts, independent school, architecture Holy Child School at Rosement Performing Arts and Athletics CenterBryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
housing + neighborhoods, planning, landscape architecture Mariposa County Integrated Mobility and Housing StrategyMariposa, CA
Abington Friends School Athletic Center architecture, education, independent school, campus planning Abington Friends School Richard N. Berman Athletics CenterJenkintown, PA
community engagement, planning, urban design Our Legacy, Our Community: A Renewed Vision for North TulsaTulsa, OK
campus planning, architecture, landscape architecture Muhlenberg College Campus Master PlanAllentown, PA
architecture, landscape architecture, senior housing John C. Anderson LGBTQ-Friendly ApartmentsPhiladelphia, PA
landscape architecture, streetscape, community planning, complete streets Castro Valley Redevelopment Strategic Plan + ImplementationCastro Valley, CA
architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, affordable housing, tod Paseo VerdePhiladelphia, PA
planning, architecture, landscape architecture, affordable housing, choice neighborhoods NC FivePhiladelphia, PA
park planning, community engagement Our Parks, Our Future: Austin Parks and Recreation Long-Range PlanAustin, TX
education, campus master plan, independent school Springside Chestnut Hill Academy Master PlanPhiladelphia, PA
landscape architecture, urban design, parks, plazas Horwitz-Wasserman Holocaust Memorial PlazaPhiladelphia, PA
architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, public realm Crystal City Public RealmArlington, VA
resiliency, ecology, open space planning, equity, community engagement Cleveland Harbor Eastern Embayment Resilience Strategy (CHEERS)Cleveland, OH
landscape architecture, campus planning Daiichi Mutual Insurance Shin-Ohi Office LandscapeKanagawa, Japan
Temple University, Anderson Hall campus planning, landscape architecture, student living Temple University Landscape Master Plan + Mazur and Gladfelter TerracePhiladelphia, PA
landscape architecture, architecture, design Oyama Yuen Harvest WalkOyama-shi, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan
Springside Academy independent schools, architecture Springside Chestnut Hill Academy McCausland Lower SchoolPhiladelphia, PA