affordable housing, adaptive reuse, senior housing, historic restoration Residences at Roosevelt ParkMiddlesex County, NJ
landscape architecture, streetscape, community planning, complete streets Castro Valley Redevelopment Strategic Plan + ImplementationCastro Valley, CA
landscape architecture, planning, parks + open space East Palo Alto Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master PlanEast Palo Alto, CA
planning, architecture, landscape architecture, affordable housing, choice neighborhoods NC FivePhiladelphia, PA
housing + neighborhoods, planning, landscape architecture Mariposa County Integrated Mobility and Housing StrategyMariposa, CA
Copyright:Mark E. Robertson parks + open space Tracy Citywide Parks, Recreation and Trails Master PlanTracy, CA
resiliency, ecology, open space planning, equity, community engagement Cleveland Harbor Eastern Embayment Resilience Strategy (CHEERS)Cleveland, OH
planning, parks + open space San Francisco Bay Trail: Risk Assessment and Adaptation Prioritization Plan (RAAPP)Alameda and Contra Costa County, CA